Monday, September 12, 2016

AutoCAD Engineering Drawing

     The figure shows Petronas Twin Towers 3D Models developed by using AutoCAD.

Salam and Hi to all.Thanks for visiting my blog.Here I want to share about Computer Engineering Drawing software namely AutoCAD. This software is very useful for engineers and architect in order to design,draw and develop any civil and infrastructure projects. Before this CAD software is introduced, engineers and architects have to draw manually on draft paper for any structural plans and models.This drawing method take a long time and not precise.

After AutoCAD is applied into indsutries during late 90's, the structural project become more efficient.As you can see on the above picture, that is a Petronas Twin Towers 3D Model developed by using AutoCAD. This model is very important for engineer and architect in order to ensure the design of any structure is precise.

AutoCAD also included as major subjects at technical schools and university around Malaysia and also worldwide. This is because AutoCAD need to be understand and apply by all engineering and architecture students.

Here are major functions of AutoCAD ;

  • To draw a structural plan
  • To design any structural model
  • To draw a structural model
  • As guidance for architect and engineer
  • To measure structural geometries

There are some business opportunities for you by applying AutoCAD knowledge and skills.If you have very good marketing skills,communications and networking with engineers,contractors and architect, this can be your freelance or full time business.Among the services you can provide are ;

  • Structural plan drawing services
  • House and building models designation
  • AutoCAD tutorial class for beginner

What we can see,construction industries are very crucial right now especially in developing country like Malaysia.So, AutoCAD become very useful skills that you need to have whether as employee or entrepreneur.

Written by,
Mohamad Nazmi bin Ismail
Trainee at Petronas/Engineering Student